I can only imagine how many of us have to battle with the challenges and struggles of dealing with a dead beat parent but I would like to touch on the subject of those who enable these dead beat parents. We all have people in our lives who love, support and care for us but so do these dead beats. What these people don’t realize is that they are assisting these absent parents in neglecting their own children and neglect is a form of abuse. The dead beat’s support system probably consist of people who have the same twisted mentalities as the dead beat and the same hideous character flaws. These are people who would have no problem walking away from their own children and not thinking twice about what happens to them. I wonder how the dead beat enablers would feel if they went through a broken relationship which resulted in a child and then had to care for and support that child as if they created that child all by themselves. The enablers have no problem encouraging the dead beats to move on with their lives, avoid responsibilty and forget their promises and obligations. It’s like buying liquor for an alcoholic or supplying drugs to a drug addict. They are accessories to the crime. I suggest that the enabler develop some fear of God or Karma or whatever it is that these sick individuals choose to believe in. Some dead beat enablers take it even a step further and egg on the dead beat in threatening, intimidating or harrassing the parent who does support and take care of their child. It’s like a game to them. They don’t realze that they’re only hurting the children. When you cause turmoil, drama and stress in the life of a person trying to raise a child it only overlaps on to that child’s life. When you genuinely care for and love someone, you want that person to grow, evolve, succeed and handle their responsibilities. You want them to be good parents to their children. I have family and friends and believe me when I tell you that I would never assist them in being a dead beat parent. I wouldn’t hug and kiss and baby them through the process of being a loser! I would call them out on the fact that they haven’t supported their kid or haven’t seen their kid. I would encourage them to treat the person who raises and supports their child with respect and dignity. But then again, I’m not a dead beat enabler. The enablers should be ashamed of themselves. How do they sleep at night knowing that they encourage, protect and support someone who doesn’t give a damn about their own flesh and blood? How do they live each day knowing that they assist someone in abusing a REAL parent? How do they live knowing that they come up with rediculous excuses for the dead beat? To all of you who enable your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, etc… in being a dead beat parent, do us all a favor…Stop supporting the dead beat and start supporting the children!!! The only support system a dead beat parent should have is the support of his cell mates in jail! Find something better to do with your time and stop helping these losers neglect their resposibilities and obligations! It’s amazing how many of us have the same story. My daughter’s "father" has quite a few enablers. I wish I could name them all, post all their photos and go in to great detail about all of their horrible ways but I’ve chosen not to do that here and now. Plus it will all come out one day anyway (although I have no problem with all of you who let it all out on your pages! Keep doin what you’re doin)! You just have to remember that the enablers have no morals, no values, no conscience, not a care in the world outside of their corrupt selfish lives! They are not normal thinking, productive human beings. You can’t show a pig a rose or a diamond and expect them to see a beautiful flower or a pretty gem. Pigs only feel comfortable in mud and in their own shit. They will always come up with rediculous excuses but ultimately they’re not thinking about the child. For example, how many dead beat enablers do you know who bad mouth the parent actually raising and supporting the child, while making the dead beat out to be the helpless victim who has been so wronged and mistreated? MANY AND MOST! If they love and care about the child so much then why don’t they put a card in the mail? Why don’t they send a small gift to the child just to let them know that they remember they exist and that they care? I’ll tell you why…because they don’t give a damn about anything other than spiting the custodial parent and being selfish and ignorant! What are they afraid of? That the custodial parent will use the bib or pacifier or bottle or stuffed animal for themselves? The worst are the enablers who are the so called "family" to these children (Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, etc…). It’s bad enough that the "father" or "mother" is a waste of flesh but the whole family jumps on the band wagon too?! There is no reason for this…just a bunch of poor excuses to escape the reality of looking in the mirror and seeing a guilty monster. That’s the sad pathetic truth about these people. They will always be this way…from craddle to grave. They are used to scams and cons. They are used to getting by and avoiding responsibility. They don’t know and don’t want to know a different way of life. They just assume that the custodial parent will handle everything as they have been and they will just continue on as the so called victims and continue to support the dead beat while the REAL parent clothes, feeds, takes care of and raises the child! Do these people deserve to be called my child’s "family"? For those of us who know what "family" really is then we already know the answer. Blood and sperm does not equal family! All of you dead beats and enablers you know who you are and you know what you do. You can’t run from yourselves. You can lie to the rest of the world (who probably don’t believe you anyway) but you still have to go to sleep with yourself and wake up with yourself each and every day. How does it feel to be a liar? How does it feel to be a heartless snake? How does it feel to abuse, harrass and belittle a mother raising an innocent child who you have chosen to forget? How does it feel to live each and every day knowing that you are a walking contradiction and a hipocrit? Not so good huh? But you go right ahead and keep lieing to yourselves and everyone else. Believe me, I have heard every single possible rediculous lie and excuse in the world from the dead beat and his enablers! I’ll just continue on doing what I do best…being an amazing MOTHER to my daughter!
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  1. maria says:

    ur nothing but a lier n a slut ok so get ur fact right before u go computer crazy talking shit…jennifer 7742534271

  2. Maria says:

    Perfectly stated! The father of my seven year old is one of those deadbeats who also tries to play the victim and always has some delusional woman who believes the lies against the mother of his child he abandoned. His family also is backing his deadbeat ways.There is not a hell hot enough for trash like them.

  3. maddie says:

    Thank you so much for this. I see so much on deadbeat dads, but never really those who enable them. I have the worst deadbeat dad. I’m now 25. He never was there or paid child support for me my brother or my sister. My “grandma” is just as Sick as he is. He takes no responsibility for not being man, for being a woman beater and his mother jumps on the bandwagon of blame with him. Now all the sudden were adults he has realized no one will be there to take care of him when he grows old and is trying to
    In our lives even tho he will not get sober and not say sorry. But I some reason his bitch of a mother posses me off the most because she really should know better.

  4. Ash says:

    Thank you so much for this Jenn! I’m actually the child of a deadbeat and his wife is an enabler. He also shows blatant favoritism by being an excellent step-father to his wife’s daughter and an excellent father to his youngest son. Huge slap in the face, AND they live in the same town. I cut him and his family the fuck off and they will have nothing to do with my 3 month old daughter!!!

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